I initially listened to their CD, No Exit, and decided to watch the band over at Chakik's last June 6. Skaramouche is fantastic live; honestly, their recording did little justice to their tightness and energy. Delphine is an adorable frontwoman. Dominic, the young keyboardist who impressed the audience with his skills charmed nearly every single lady present that night. Everyone in the band was skilled and spirited. The highlight of the set, no doubt, was Skaramouche's cover of Manila Girl, ably supported by Coffee Break Island.
It was a blast, and I am quite sure it has likewise been an experience to the band who were sweating profusely all throughout that hot night. Gunther and Allan had got to be two of the persons I will remember most that night. (For the practice of the Hippocratic Oath knows no time and place, no, not even the bar.)
I did not get to see their farewell gig at Handle Bar last June 21 (blame it on Frank), though I heard that the band played like they did at Chakik's: tight and energetic. It must be a wonder to these guys how the weather here can change from hot and humid to wet and humid in a span of two weeks ... but eff it. Weather hot or wet, we'd love to have Skaramouche back, soon.
Wow, thank you for your kind remarks. Finally, we're back in the country of cheese and chocolate, still dreaming of the experiences we've had. Thank you so much for the support! The whole tour was a blast!
hi dominic :) thank you for the great show and the camaraderie as well.
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